Saturday, March 14, 2009


... to encounters of the edible kind...

thanks for listening and making those lemons worthwhile :)

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

never gone

I'm not holding on to You
But You're holding on to me...

His faithfulness astounds me from time to time. I guess ideally it should be every day... but i get distracted. Perhaps that's what makes it more surprising each time - to turn around and see that He's still there. Watching. And waiting.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

vietnam 2009

so i'm sitting on the bed in our hotel room in the heart of the Old Quarter. the sounds of the street - horns blaring and hawkers calling out to each other - fill the air with life and the vibrance which is hanoi. the street lamps have just flickered on as the sky starts to darken.

we've been here for almost a week, savouring the sights and sounds in the city and taking some time out for an overnight cruise in ha long bay. the food has been amazing so far. vietnamese food has much more to offer than spring rolls and pho. the use of fresh vegetables and a variety of herbs makes everything very refreshing and light... which also means that we're constantly snacking and looking for food throughout the day.

wish i had some photos to post, but my camera's SD card is too hi tech for zac's card-reader. so photos will have to wait till i return to the little red dot. for now... i'll try to write as often as i can and when i feel inspired (which may not be as frequent as i would like... but i will try). for visual updates check out zac's blog.

in about an hour we will be jumping on a bus and heading to Ninh Binh, the next stop on our one-month trip down the coast of Vietnam. motorcycle riding in the country awaits, and i'm an excited little girl.

stay tuned for more updates :)

Thursday, January 08, 2009


deb: "I'm leaving for vietnam next tues"

random friend: "AGAIN??"

deb: "I've never been to vietnam"

random friend: "oh... so where did you just come back from?"

deb: "nepal"

random friend: "right"... and last year?

deb: "cambodia"

random friend: "ahh..."


so it seems she's a bit hard to keep track of. 

Sunday, January 04, 2009

more kathmandu madness

so i found it really hard to pick out a few photos to post because there were so many i liked. so i thought... what the hey... i'll just post some more. haha.

hope you enjoy them as much as i enjoyed taking them :)

balloons make me happy
crazy kids!
random street shot

tea and sympathy

carpet weaving in the village square

mmm... lice...

will be back soon. i promise.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

family adventure to kathmandu

after a long hiatus, photos shall be posted to make up for every thousand words i have neglected to write.

the family took a 6 day post-christmas trip to nepal, which was an amazing experience. the food, the culture... the sights, sounds and tastes (apart from the ridiculous amount of dust) were a feast for the senses. definitely will be taking a trip back when i have the time and the money.

mandatory family photo
pretty tree

random kid we passed by in the jeep
drying clay bowls in the sun

acting all cool and stuff

little old ladies

fabric fabric everywhere
amazingly yummy food

Thursday, November 06, 2008

so... santa has elves...

and photographers have photoshop gnomes...

D day and beyond

so the thesis is due tomorrow. absolutely last final final deadline. and i still don't feel the panic. i think there's something seriously wrong with me. maybe it's overconfidence. or maybe it's just denial.

the last few days have been a whirlwind of libraries and books and words. i can't wait to get to the other side of this thesis. it's seriously wearing me down... and i just feel tired and old. need to get out and do some outdoorsy stuff. go hiking, rockclimbing... running... anything really. been so ridiculously restless the past two weeks. it's been frustrating.

at the same time... you guys make the days bearable and the nights enjoyable. i continue to thank God for you every day:

Because i knew you
i have been changed for good